Tag Archive for: Spain
Home-inspector Spain
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersAn interview with Benno Bühler Architect and Court Surveyor. He and his team work as home inspectors at the Costa del Sol and Costa de la Luz.
How the wind can affect your dream home
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersAn opinion from Benno Bühler, Architect and RICS Building surveyor / Home Inspector
Inheritance Real Estate Valuations for Properties in Spain
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersBenno Bühler is an architect, real estate appraiser and building expert. He is a member of RICS and BDSF.
Now that I produce my own electricity, what happens next?
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersA report by Benno Bühler, architect and building expert
Legalisation of properties in Andalusia
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersIn Andalusia, until the early 2000s, it was common to build a property without planning permission and then pay a penalty. So why ask big when it’s better to apologize afterwards. Punishment was cheaper than a proper building permit process.
New builds in the south of Spain: The Costa del Sol and the Costa de la Luz
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersWe are often called in for the handover of new buildings. Here, we inspect the newly completed property, together with the buyer, and draw up an inspection report with a list of defects. When buying real estate directly from a developer, warranty periods that are sometimes different to the usual ones for construction may apply.
Wildfires and building law, a complicated mess
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersA comment by Benno Bühler, Architect and Building Expert
Building quality in Andalusia, the Costa del Sol and the Costa de la Luz
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersOn the Costa del Sol it doesn’t often rain from May until mid-December. Leaking roofs or damp floors in houses without basements may therefore only be detected when the big rain comes.
Read about this and more topics of building quality.
The sun in Spain
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersSolar power systems can now feed electricity back into the grid again after Spain was fined 300 million euros by the European Court of Justice. A report by Benno Bühler, architect and building surveyor in Malaga.
Buying property in Andalusia: What you need to know beforehand!
/in Magazine Real Estate Spain/by buehler and partnersAndalusia and the Costa del Sol are among the most sought-after regions for buying property. Here we’ll show you what to look out for when buying a house in Andalusia… plus a tip on avoiding practically all typical pitfalls before committing to a purchase!